It’s nearly spring! According to the met office the official day of spring in 2021 is March 20. And at this point we know everything around us will change.
“In spring the weather usually turns warmer, trees begin to grow their leaves, plants start to flower and young animals such as chicks and lambs are born. “
As mentioned above, in this season there are several changes that are expected to happen because for everything there is a season and a time for it Ecclesiastes 3:1. Looking at our lives, there are various stages where society expects certain changes to happen. We’re expected to be employed immediately after education and at a certain age we’re expected to be married and have kids. But sometimes these changes might not neccessarily happen at the prescribed seasons and stages given by society. We might however notice these changes happening around us to friends and family which can be disheartening causing us to loose faith in God.
“We know there is a season and time for everything however the BIGGEST mistake we make is focusing on the seasons prescribed by society.”
It is at this very point where everything around us seems to be changing, we need to have FAITH IN GOD WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT because the seasons set by our Father in heaven is different to that of society’s.
In Hebrews 13:8 (Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.) we are reminded that when everything seems to be changing around us we can rely on God’s constancy.
Today I want to encourage you don’t let your circumstances confuse!
Don’t live according to the seasons prescribed by society but rather focus on God and His word because whatever He says in His word about us is true Psalm 33:4. Finally we know God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? Numbers 23:19.
With love,