Today I declare unto you the very same words sent by God unto Mary in Luke 1:28, ‘.........., Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women’.
Mary might not have perceived herself favoured and blessed at the time, but God pronounced those wonderful words upon her because that was how God saw her. Even though she was living in Nazareth which was a very small town, she was still located. Remember Gideon in Judges 6, though he perceived himself as the least in his family, the Lord sent him a message that he is a mighty man of valour.
I want to encourage you as you continue to read this piece that you are highly favoured and blessed of the most high God.
You might be living in the most deprived postcode, coming from a poor family background. The school, college or uninversity, you are attending or attended might not have been the best. Maybe with all the interviews you attended, after graduation you did not land yourself the best job. Listen, it does not matter, just receive and only believe the word of God today. For His words are spirit and they are life. It is quick and powerful, and shaper than any two edged sword. He will orchestrate things on your behalf. His plans for you are good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. The strategy and process He will use to change your situation is not your problem.
I don’t know what struggles you are going through right now but He knows, yet He say you are blessed. It could be you are single and not yet married and the devil takes advantage of that to bring all kinds of thoughts into your mind, making you think you are not beautiful enough, even to the point that you loose yourself esteem. Remember you are wonderfully and fearfully made.
No matter what situation you find yourself don’t take the easier option of giving up, rather like David encourage yourself in the Lord. The best is yet to come because you are blessed and highly favoured of the the Most High God. Despite the way people see you or how you feel or see yourself does not count.
You are what God says you are, receive it, meditate on it and act it in Jesus name. You are too precious to Him. Yeah I know you might be thinking, but am not a Christian how can He love me. ‘For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’ John 3:16.
You see, the provision has already been made for you. If only you cry out to Him today, this same words sent to Mary can be yours in Jesus name.
With Love,
Elizabeth / Founder