Don’t you just like it when you hear a good preaching or someone says just the right words you needed to hear to uplift your soul? This can happen after watching a sermon on YouTube, after having had a conversation with your pastor, youth leader or someone whom you respect in the faith. After hearing them speak you always feel so blessed and encouraged - you admire them so much and thank God for their lives!
Here’s the thing, you might be shocked but hear me out: do you know you can do that too?! Yes, you too can speak words and do things to encourage, uplift, strengthen and build up others in their christian faith. In fact, IT IS your duty. As believers we belong to the same family of Christ. As Christians our goal should be to become more like Christ daily, spread His Good news and establish one another in the faith.
As much as those people we admire pour into our lives, we also need to pour into theirs.
..that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.
- Romans 1:12 (ESV)
Paul was a great apostle of Christ and the author of many books in the bible - someone who received great wisdom and revelations from God. Yet in this letter to the Romans he says that as much as he wants to encourage the Christians in Rome, he also can’t wait to be encouraged by them. Mind-blowing right? This is because God through the Holy Spirit has given us all different abilities and giftings to be used to edify the church, the body of Christ. Some of us are anointed (filled with the Holy Spirit) to be pastors, evangelists, teachers etc. but by the same Holy Spirit we have all been given spiritual gifts that we can use to bless others. Just because they are different it does not mean they should be looked down upon! (Read Romans 12:3-8)
Don’t always wait for people to pour into you, rather be always prepared to pour into others : be the encouragement!
With Love,
Priscilla / YAFC Team