What will a man exchange for his soul.

%22 Draw near to God and he will draw near to you, cleanse your hands, you sinner and purify your hearts, you double minded%22 (James 4_8)-6.png

Mark 8:36-37 reads, for what shall it profit a man when he gains the whole world and loose his own soul. Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

As you continue reading I pray the Holy Spirit ministers to you through His word. In this day and age of liberalism it is quite easy for the child of God to become very self centred and waste precious time on things that do not enrich us spiritually. 

In the pursuit of your career, fame, marriage, riches, comfort, and the pleasures of life, just to name a few, one can neglect his or her spiritual life. In the process of making these things the number one priority you will turn to give God a lesser place in your heart. Gradually time spent with the Lord becomes less because the time has now been traded for all other things you desperately seek in life. Eventually there is no desire to study the Bible or pray. Your love then grows cold towards the things of God, hence no more witnessing. 

Verse 37 is asking this important question, if in an attempt to gain the whole you lost your soul, what on earth can you give to redeem your soul. Remember, Demas for the love of the world left Christ ( 2Timothy 4:10) and Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, (Matt 26:14-15).

Mark 8:35b says, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. Believe me, it is not worth loosing your soul for the sake of anything else. Remember, the soul that sins shall die, (Ezekiel18:20). What can you give in exchange for your soul?.

Your soul is so precious and valuable to God that is why it caused Him his only son to save you (John 3:16).

It is my prayer you will never place yourself in a situation where you will lose your soul for your own selfish gains. For anyone reading now who have not yet accepted Christ’s love it’s never too late. Jesus loves you and has already paid the  price for your soul. Do not remain lost, and slave to sin, receive Jesus now. We will like to encourage you to get in touch and we will help you get to know the Lord for yourself.

Remain blessed,

Elizabeth/ Founder




do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind